You might have noticed that The Write Life has been on a content break for the last couple months. In mid-June, The Write Life joined the Selfpublishing.com platform of sites and resources dedicated to writing, publishing, freelance, marketing, and more.
The vision for the Selfpublishing.com platform began back in 2015 when Chandler Bolt founded Self-Publishing School, an organization dedicated exclusively to changing the world through the power of books. The company provides education and coaching services to folks who are on the verge of writing or self-publishing a book, but need a little extra help getting across the finish line. Over the years, the vision has only grown (with a goal of helping self-publish over 100,000 books and impacting 120 million lives!), as have the number of resources available to help you do it.
Here at The Write Life, we’ve been ironing out some new content, among other backend systems/process changes, in order to bring you the best possible experience as a reader.
As the new Managing Editor, I want to let you know that I’m fully committed to providing top-notch content centered around helping you become a better writer so that you can achieve your writing goals. I’ll be working with world-class contributors to bring you a steady stream of articles that are guaranteed to both inspire and provide practical tips that can be implemented into your writing routine ASAP.
In the coming months we’ll also be revamping some of our free resources and ebooks, rolling out new trainings, and generally doing everything we can to bring value to The Write Life readers.
If you haven’t already, get signed up for our newsletter in order to get new content, valuable articles from the archives, and those jazzed up resources right to your inbox:
I’m honored to be guiding this ship and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead for The Write Life!
Read more: thewritelife.com