50,000 words in 30 days might sound impossible, but we’re here to help you win
📝 November Goal: 50,000 words
Every year, writers around the world attempt to write a 50,000-word novel in the 30-days of November. National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for you uninitiated, challenges people to sit down and write.
NaNoWriMo can be a daunting task — 1,667 words per day is no small feat. Thankfully, we’re here to help. Our Facebook Group is primed and ready for weekly check-ins, encouragement, and support.
Not a novel writer? No problem! Set a goal to write 50,000 words for whatever your project is and join in the conversation. Regardless of your genre, style, or medium, we want to help you win NaNoWriMo 2020!
👀 More from The Writing Cooperative about NaNoWriMo:
What NaNoWriMo Is and What It Isn’t by JazzFeathersRead Now >>
Why You Should Do NaNoWriMo This Year by Charlotte R DixonRead Now >>
How To Win NaNoWriMo: Be A Rebel by Justin CoxRead Now >>
Photo by Sincerely Media on UnsplashAnnouncing additional weekly series
Jessica continues to expand our weekly series line up. There are so many great opportunities, it’s hard to keep them all straight. So we’re making it easy for you! Check out our brand new Series Schedule page right at the top of our main page. We’ll keep that page up-to-date so you know when to look for your favorite series.
This month we’re adding four series to the schedule:
Oh So Clear by David B. Clear
Oh So Clear features essays on writing by an ex-computer scientist with a passion for cartoons. The essays are always illustrated, sometimes funny, and often insightful. If you’re looking for insights on writing, but have the attention span of a toddler and need occasional cartoons and jokes to pay attention, this series might be for you.
Market Yourself by Cynthia Marinakos
Market Yourself brings ways to share your writing with more readers rather than sit back and wait for them to come to you. Learn powerful, simple, affordable ways to promote your writing. Cynthia is an Australian-based writer and an online communications professional. She’s on a mission to help writers gift more readers with their wonderful words.
The Short of It by Margery Bayne
Everything short fiction, from inspiration to publication. Writing and publishing short stories can be a great way for fiction writers to hone their craft and build a writing resume while being a rewarding creative endeavor by itself. From micro and flash fiction all the way to long-form short stories, this series will cover all the steps along the way — creative and practical — from the beginning writing stages through editing and all the way to publication.
Mean What You Say by Jill Ebstein
Did you ever wonder my some expressions sound dated? Others are so hip that we barely understand them — unless, of course, we are hip. This column explores the use of language through idioms and common sayings. We vary based on individual sensibilities and the times we were raised. The goal is nothing short of using our understanding to build a better bridge of communication — interpersonally and generationally.
Find our entire series schedule here >>
Survey says…
Thank you everyone who took our October content survey. Your comments were very encouraging and insightful. We’ve been hard at work processing your comments and have some exciting things to share in the very near future. Stay tuned…
Are You Ready For NaNoWriMo? was originally published in The Writing Cooperative on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Read more: writingcooperative.com