How to self-publish your novel

Independent writers are choosing their own paths to success Until recently, if you were a writer who had a novel or other work, there was essentially a single path to follow: you tried to find an agent who liked your writing, and who would be able to sell it to a publisher. The process could […]

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  • April 3, 2019

How To Design Your eBook Cover For Free

Photo by Filios Sazeides Designing your eBook cover is one of the most important parts of publishing your eBook. Here is a step by step guide to designing a quality eBook cover for free! 1. Research Many writers have no idea where to start when it comes to designing an eBook cover. A great way to formulate […]

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  • March 10, 2019
  • NEWS

Why You Should Be Writing On Medium

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash Also known as the platform where you are most likely reading this right now. Just Write Unlike with other platforms, here on Medium, all you need to do is write. No messing with updates, no worrying about security, no more worrying about website uptime or speed. Medium lets you focus 100% […]

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  • March 7, 2019
  • NEWS

17 Email Newsletter Examples We Love Getting in Our Inboxes

When people first start doing email marketing, they often assume they need an email newsletter. “It’ll have everything our customers care about, all in one place,” they rationalize. “Our list will be different — people will actually look forward to getting our newsletter,” they argue. “Since we’re only sending it once a month, it’ll be […]

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  • March 6, 2019
  • NEWS

If You’re Not Angry, Get Angry

Your writing may depend on itphoto by AJ Colores, Unsplash Given the state of the world during the time I was in high school, my friends and I were all pretty disillusioned about our futures and our places in society. Bush, Jr. was president and we were all afraid of getting drafted to fight in the stupid […]

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  • March 5, 2019
  • NEWS

I don’t think this is how Hemingway started

Photo by from Pexels It’s Saturday, so I am not working at my full-time job. My laptop is open on the only corner of my kitchen table that isn’t covered with junk from the week. My husband and son are cutting a hole in my kitchen floor — seriously. With a Sawz All, which is making my […]

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  • March 4, 2019
  • NEWS

6 Things to do BEFORE You Write Your First Blog Post

Arnel Hasanovic- Upsplash So, you created your blog and launched it. Great! You’re probably getting ready to post your first piece on your blog, BUT there are some steps you should take before jumping right in. Blogging can be easy if you plan ahead and make a strategy for yourself sooner rather than later. 1. Have […]

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  • March 3, 2019
  • NEWS