The opinions of the Star Wars fandom, as usual, are split on the final film in the Skywalker saga.
Some fans were delighted by Rise of Skywalker, while others felt it was a disappointing end to a film series that has stretched four decades. Regardless of how they felt about the film, however, Star Wars fans are united in enjoying the memes inspired by the movie. The most recent of these revolves around the film’s final line, so if you’re one of the rare fans who have not yet seen it, consider this is your only spoiler warning.
In the final scene of the film, Rey travels back to Tatooine to bury the lightsabers of Luke and Leia Skywalker. A woman approaches Rey and asked after her name. In response to Rey’s answer, the woman inquires, “Rey who?” The line, beloved by some viewers and despised by others, became prime meme material as people imagined alternative answers to “Rey Skywalker”.
‘Rey who?’ memes
Is it too early for Star Wars spoilers? No? Good. pic.twitter.com/zRkhEBsVlc
— Jeff (@Nobody1300) January 24, 2020
“who are you?”“rey…”“rey who?”*ominous pause as she looks off to the distance*“rey2-D2”*star wars theme on kazoo plays* pic.twitter.com/v4IwyK8cHA
— river (@rriogrnde) January 27, 2020
Rey memes are now all over Twitter and Reddit. Rey has been reimagined as everything from “Rey2-D2” to “Reyders of the Lost Ark” and “Rey Arnold.”
I'm Rey…
Rey who?
Rey Arnold. pic.twitter.com/BYu8YuYM9p
— James Ronan (@JurassicJames1) January 21, 2020
old lady: who are you?rey: i'm reyold lady: rey who?
rey: rey the radar technician pic.twitter.com/Hb2bfRtubS
— claudia (@kyloafterglow) January 25, 2020
“Rey who?”
*cue Emperor theme, low, subtle*
Rey’s eyes shimmer red.
“Rey Palpatine”
Circle wipe. Cue Imperial March instead of the same old finale fanfare.
(Might’ve turned the whole thing around for me.)
— Kris Tapley (@kristapley) January 23, 2020
"I'm rey"
"Rey who?" pic.twitter.com/euYJqLl97I
— Fortnite Piss Hentai Mk2 *TROS SPOILERS (@Kamenspider) January 25, 2020
Some people used the meme format to poke fun at what they saw as a line dripping with excessive fan service.
“I’m Rey.” “Rey who?”*Rey looks around for a moment, then smiles*“Rey Star Wars.”
— Chris Evangelista (@cevangelista413) December 22, 2019
"I'm Rey""Rey Who?"*Rey looks around for a moment, then smiles*"Lana del Rey"
— altibajo (@alti_bajo) December 23, 2019
Legit. pic.twitter.com/wqc2GAapGk
— Taylor Young (@taylorcyoung) December 24, 2019
You’re brilliant you know!
— MarvelousMsAllenWishfulThinking (@sleepingkoala45) December 23, 2019
“I’m Rey.” “Rey who?”*Rey looks around for a moment, then smiles*“Rey The Force Be With You.”
— Harrison Fox (@HarrisonRFox) December 23, 2019
Others reimagined the ending with a line they found more fitting—and one that lets Rey be just Rey.
You probably should’ve been on the writing team!
— Koondey (@Koondey1) December 23, 2019
“I’m Rey” “Rey who?”“Just one name, like Chewbacca. Rey”
— Mitchell (@MitchellRossman) December 23, 2019
“Who are you?”“Rey.”“Rey who?!”“Rey why don’t you mind your own goddamn business”
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) January 25, 2020
Whether you’re team Rey Nobody, Rey Skywalker, or Reyders of the Lost Ark, this meme lets Star Wars fans write their own ending to the Skywalker Saga.
Why did Rey bury those 2 lightsabers on Tatooine?
‘Somehow, Palpatine has returned’ is the best new ‘Star Wars’ meme
‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ is a film crafted by fan theory committee
Pandering to nostalgia, ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ is a huge letdown
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