Tag Archives for " media "

Explore ways to make a passive income in 2022 with this $20 guide

TL;DR: As of Feb. 13, The Online Passive Income in 2022 Bundle — valued at $1,190 — is on sale for just $19.99, meaning it’s a whopping 98% off. Millennials and younger generations are behind the older generations when it comes to building wealth. It’s hardly surprising, but seeing the numbers makes it harder to swallow. If […]

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  • February 19, 2022
  • NEWS

Neil Gaiman: ‘Good Omens feels more apt now than it did 30 years ago’

Before Terry Pratchett died, Gaiman told his friend he would adapt their novel about an angel and a devil stopping the apocalypse. As Good Omens starts on TV, he discusses fame, politics and honouring that promise You’d never know from watching Good Omens, Neil Gaiman’s effervescent apocalyptic comedy of errors, that he started writing it […]

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  • May 30, 2019

OH DAMN, shots fired! Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway UNLOAD on David French for Trump/Russia ‘conspiracy mongering’

You know those heated debates and/or discussions you see happening and you think to yourself, ‘Nooooope, not getting involved in THAT one.’ This back and forth between David French, Mollie Hemingway, and Sean Davis is one of those debates … if you can call it a debate. Personally, this seems like a fairly brutal pantsing […]

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  • March 9, 2019
  • NEWS