writing an essay : my home

林英偉校長教您︰ writing an essay : my home 常見的作文題目示範︰我的居所. Read more: youtube.com
Continue reading林英偉校長教您︰ writing an essay : my home 常見的作文題目示範︰我的居所. Read more: youtube.com
Continue readingAmаtеur wrіtеrѕ write for thе ѕаkе оf wrіtіng. Whіlе thіѕ may сrеаtе соріоuѕ аmоuntѕ оf іnсоnѕеԛuеntіаl соntеnt or рrоvіdе thеm реrѕоnаl… on The Writing Cooperative » Read more: writingcooperative.com
Continue readingWant to know the writing routine of a New York Times bestselling author? What do prolific authors do differently? This video shows that even a writer like Jerry … Read more: youtube.com
Continue readingEmily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka are the co-authors of two acclaimed YA romances:Always Never Yours (2018) and the forthcoming novelIf I’m Being Honest , out in April. Wibberley and Siegemund-Broka met in high school and have been together ever since. Here, they ask each other 29 questions about their relationship (both personal and professional). We’re […]
Continue readingSource: Unsplash I studied screenwriting in college. As part of that education, I read spec scripts for a film studio and an agent. I also took tons of courses on story structure, formatting, and dialogue. Let’s talk more about that last one. Unless we’re looking at a movie like Eraserhead, most films are predominantly composed of […]
Continue readingPicture Source: Pixabay“If I make you to write like me, I would have killed your individuality.” –Emeka Nobis. One of the decisions I have made in 2019 is to live alone. Well, alone here could mean many things. I mean, I started living away from family since 2001 when I got into a boarding secondary school owned […]
Continue readingPhoto by Jon Tyson on Unsplash A decade ago I wrote a manuscript in which the female protagonist went on dates with 24 different men over the course of one year and had sex with four of them. And only after having had at least three dates with said men. The man whom the protagonist was most […]
Continue readingPhoto by Filios Sazeides Designing your eBook cover is one of the most important parts of publishing your eBook. Here is a step by step guide to designing a quality eBook cover for free! 1. Research Many writers have no idea where to start when it comes to designing an eBook cover. A great way to formulate […]
Continue readingPhoto by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash Also known as the platform where you are most likely reading this right now. Just Write Unlike with other platforms, here on Medium, all you need to do is write. No messing with updates, no worrying about security, no more worrying about website uptime or speed. Medium lets you focus 100% […]
Continue readingYour writing may depend on itphoto by AJ Colores, Unsplash Given the state of the world during the time I was in high school, my friends and I were all pretty disillusioned about our futures and our places in society. Bush, Jr. was president and we were all afraid of getting drafted to fight in the stupid […]
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