Tag Archives for " humor "

How to Start Comic Writing

Once you know your mode of ‘comic-unication’ (performance or publication), joke writing and career development have to proceed in tandemPhoto by Call Me Fred on Unsplash People write comedy for performance or publication. Performance includesStandup or Tiktok type skits, You Tube pranks (though I doubt many of the latter two are scripted).Sketch comedy like Saturday Night Live […]

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  • February 28, 2022
  • NEWS

Editors Explain: How Can I Make my Writing Funnier?

Ask the Editorssarah james, editor of Slackjaw, Medium’s largest humor publication, joins us to share tips on how to make your readers laughArtwork by Jessica Jungton, inspired by Andrea Piacquadio Does humor have a formula? Is it something you just know or can you grow this skillset? Did your reader laugh — aka blow more air out their nostrils […]

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  • October 23, 2020
  • NEWS

Choose Which ‘Gilmore Girls’ Man You’d Date And We’ll Reveal What It Says About You

Dean Forester Amazon You’re into Hallmark movies. You’re loyal and are a thoughtful gift-giver. Golden retrievers are your favorite dog and possibly your favorite animals. You’re really into scarves. Jess Mariano Amazon You’re so hungry to be seen—not just seen, but recognized—that you’re willing to tolerate bad treatment to get it. You’re a thinker and […]

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  • January 13, 2020
  • NEWS