Tag Archives for " race "

Shawn Stewart Ruff: Finlater

Bookable“I took all the guard rails off and let the language be what kids spoke and let the racism be what it was.”Photo courtesy of Bookable We are all products of our environment. Who we are, and who we become in the world, is shaped by the places we were raised. In Shawn Stewart Ruff’s debut novel […]

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  • October 18, 2020
  • NEWS

YouTuber arrested after posting ‘disturbing’ racist vlogs

A YouTuber who posted racist videos and said he is “ambitious for more kills” has been arrested by Florida police for allegedly transmitting threatening interstate communications, according to the Sun-Sentinel. Mostafa Hussaini, a 34-year-old who goes by the name Vam Vami on YouTube and who has called himself a racist, has openly discussed killing all […]

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  • December 27, 2019
  • NEWS