Tag Archives for " writing-tips "

Why the Dune Movie Felt Boring, but the Book Hooked Me

Dune Movie vs. Book: The key story element missing from the movie, and why the book is far superior in terms of storytellingPhoto by Warner Bros. I was quite stunned after watching this movie. Stunned both in the best sense — by its visual grandeur, immersive world-building, and top-notch acting — and in the worst sense, by what director Denis […]

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  • November 15, 2021
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3 Step Guide to Richer, Layered World-Building

La Brea Pilot Analysis #2: How to use different POVs to improve world-building and immerse your audiencePhoto by NBCUniversal Media Remember Lost? It was the TV sensation that millions (me included) obsessed over — and the show that La Brea is partly modeled after. But La Brea isn’t simply a copycat. The writers chose to tweak two important […]

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  • November 1, 2021
  • NEWS

Who Are Your Biggest Writing Influences?

This Week in Writing we spotlight several up-and-coming authors whose names we’re sure you’ll see againPhoto by Fábio Lucas on Unsplash; Edited by the author Hi, this is Bobby Powers, author of the ProTips writing series. When I began writing a few years ago, my ignorance pushed me to seek out the work of experts who had […]

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  • October 13, 2021
  • NEWS

Publishing is a Wedding, Writing a Marriage

Insights on the writing life after publication from novelist Anat DeracinePhoto by Jonathan Meyer on Unsplash When I published my first novel, Driving by Starlight, writers started asking me for tips on getting published. I was happy to share my own path, but I made it clear it was just my path, and what worked for me […]

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  • July 8, 2021
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Why Too Much of Information Does Not Help A Writer

If there’s additional details (than required) gathered while working on a subject matter it is best to use only the essential variety and discard the restPhoto by Galen Crout on Unsplash There are instances in life when the best possible advice comes from the most unlikeliest of sources. In my fledgling years as a writer I happened […]

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  • May 13, 2021
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5 Writing Lessons I Learned from the Hobbit

The learnings I took from one of my favorite fantasy moviesPhoto by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash Nothing is what it seems in Middle-Earth. One day you can almost enjoy a full hour of undisturbed sleep, another day you run away from orcs as fast as you can. As my fingertips begin to type, I know that writing […]

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  • April 26, 2021
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Sometimes You Write, Sometimes You’re Wrong

A meditation on cooperation with my inner criticPhoto by Steve Johnson on UnsplashThe pen is willing, but the mind is weak I was fortunate enough to enjoy a generous break from my day job for the 2020 holiday season, and I decided to capitalize on a portion of that found time by working on one of the more […]

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  • February 11, 2021
  • NEWS

Use the 5 Commandments of Editing to Refine Your Writing

If done right, editing can take your content from drab to fabImage Credits: Limitless; Virgin Produced“It’s time to go to war with yourself.” — David Goggins If writing is therapy, editing is war. It’s a war against your preconceived brainchildren. Editing and writing, although woven from the same fabric, are different sides of a coin. Perfectly yin and yang. Great writing […]

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  • January 31, 2021
  • NEWS

Tweak Your Personal Writing Style When Considering the Use of Commas

Keep readers engaged in your story with smooth writing techniquesPhoto by frankie cordoba on Unsplash Writers have their own unique way of expressing their thoughts. We use our words, instinct, feelings, opinions, and perspective to deliver what we hope will be a interesting and thought-provoking piece to readers. Because we want to keep them engaged — and coming […]

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  • October 29, 2020
  • NEWS