The large black dot has more power than you thinkImage by Julia Kicova on Unsplash
We all know what a bulleted list is. The Oxford dictionary defines a bulleted list as: ‘An item in a list in a document, that is printed with a square, diamond or circle in front of it to show its importance.’ The large black dot has much more power than you think it has and many uses you have never acknowledged before. Everyone has seen a bulleted list, but most of us don’t use it as we considered them unnecessary and irrelevant. But, bulleted lists are essential to deliver your message to your reader. And in both professional and personal write-ups, bullet points give you the ability to communicate effectively.
What is a bulleted list ?
A bullet or bulleted list is a group of items introduced by symbols (such as a square, circle, or diamond) rather than numbers. We use these lists both formally and informally to convey an idea. These lists empower readers to scan information instantly by summarizing the main ideas and details.
How can bulleted lists help writers and readers?
One of the hardest things for a writer is to draw attention to his readers. Bullet points are a solution. They emphasize text and help writers to convey their ideas with the main details given. Bullet lists also help the readers to identify key areas of information and improve the reader’s ability to scan for relevant topics of interest.
Tips for writing a powerful bulleted list.Write short and sweet sentences. No element in a bullet list should be longer than 2–3 lines.Make your bullet points symmetrical. (Just like the ones given here.)Use the same part of speech in the beginning. It is better if you use verbs in the beginning.Avoid any grammar glitches and typos.Punctuation in bulleted lists
You can either use or not use punctuation in bullet lists. Both ways are correct, but you need to be constant in one direction. Avoid writing bullet lists with a mixture of complete sentences and fragments. They lack uniformity. If you use fragments instead of complete sentences, do not use punctuation. Also, begin complete sentences with uppercase and fragments with lowercase.
Numbered lists VS Bullet lists
The main difference between numbered and bullet lists is that you use numbered lists when order is important and bullet lists when it is not.
Use bullet lists when you:
want to highlight two or more itemsplace the items in any orderwant to convey an idea in short points and details
Use numbered lists when:
the order of listed items is importantyou must specify a series of steps in instructionsWhat is Bullet Journaling?Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash
Bullet Journal is one of the most fun and creative ways to use bullet points. A bullet journal is used to track the tasks for the week, keep a calendar, jot down notes, take care of your physiological and mental health, and track your goals. Many people have a bullet journal for both personal and work life. The best thing about a bullet journal is that it doesn’t come with constraints.
Benefits of Bullet Journaling:It inspires productivity.It makes your life easier.It allows you to connect to yourself.It keeps track of your life.It is great for keeping lists and setting goals.How to start Bullet Journaling?
To start Bullet Journaling, all you need is a blank or a dotted journal. From there, you can create:
an indexa daily/weekly/monthly loggoals trackerand anything you want to
The blank sheets are all yours to structure and design. You can do anything you want to, which helps you to be better. Good Luck and Happy Bullet Journaling!
Also read:- How to be better at Writing?
How to Use Bullet Points Effectively to Build and Organize Your Ideas was originally published in The Writing Cooperative on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Read more: writingcooperative.com