The world would be one hell of a boring place without the endless amount of awkward conversations people endure on a daily basis. When you’re in the middle of it, it’s very little fun indeed. We get it. Blushing, sweating and wanting to disappear are some of the very well known adverse effects that come with it. But that’s the price to pay for one heck of a story you gotta tell months and even years later. So in perspective, it’s relatively cheap, right?
So today, we are going on a cringeworthy trip into hilariously painful and embarrassingly awkward exchanges between individuals that have been shared by people online. Scroll down through the collection of priceless convos below, upvote your favorite ones and be sure to share your own awkward convo experiences. And if it feels like you’ve heard similarly cringey dialogues in the first seasons of The Office, it’s likely because only reality can be stranger than fiction.
Image credits: Adam_Karpiak
Image credits: medschooladvice
Image credits: sendsnacksplz
No one is immune to awkward conversations. I mean, we are all social animals living among fellow human beings, and just as it’s sometimes fun and wonderful to be among them, it’s also pretty awkward too. We gotta pay the price for all the fun, right?
So even if we agree that the awkward exchanges you wish would disappear are part of human communication and occasionally we’re gonna get that blushing convo thrown into our daily errands, sometimes the exchanges are so much more complex than that. Especially if you’re dealing with someone who really annoys you. Yep, your colleague, tutor, a friend of friend, you know it.
Image credits: Aa_Kuun
In order to find out exactly how to remain calm when dealing with people who irritate you, because as you know very well, it’s unavoidable, we spoke with Susan Petang, a certified stress management coach specializing in painful life changes. “For people who are irritating and annoying, ask yourself, ‘Why could they be doing that?’ Maybe the dog threw up in their shoes. Maybe they had an argument a few minutes ago. Maybe they had a horrible childhood and they don’t know any better.”
Susan also reminds us of a truth as old as history: “usually other people’s bad behavior has nothing to do with us.” And even if that doesn’t justify their behavior, it helps you to stay calmer.
Image credits: itsandyryan
Image credits: janeymaine
Image credits: unclewhiskysrevenge
The next phase when learning to deal with people you don’t find comfortable is setting boundaries and limits. “Most of the time, the best strategy is to let people’s irritating behavior go. It’s usually not worth your energy to confront every person who steps on your toes or annoys you. Sometimes, though, you may decide that a line has been crossed and someone’s behavior has to be stopped so it doesn’t have a negative effect on you.”
Susan gave a useful example: “To do that, use an XYZ statement: ‘When you do X, I feel Y, and I’d like Z.’ Here’s what that might sound like: ‘When you criticize the reports I do, I feel angry and unhappy. I’d like to get some constructive feedback instead, if you don’t like the way I’m writing them.’”
Image credits: Jerry_jx9
Image credits: InternetUser8
Image credits: guelphgirlchris
Most importantly, tone and attitude are everything! “There may be a day when you might irritate someone else—so how would you want to be spoken to? Be the change you want to see, because your actions are teaching others how you want to be treated,” the stress management coach concluded.
Image credits: crlockha
Image credits: greatestgoth
Image credits: MakVest
Image credits: hdurant
Image credits: DonaghRoisin
Image credits: AbbieHollowDays
Image credits: Helenreade5
Image credits: mamluki_
Image credits: cutethreadsxo
Image credits: Quoteurlife_
Image credits: 2earsandaheart
Image credits: s_rumer18
Image credits: EmilyCotugno
Image credits: Wishbone_Sloane
Image credits: Cassie_write
Image credits: gracel721
Image credits: Nxoyii
Image credits: BenedictBridget
Image credits: ohhselfcare
Image credits: Raquelhinkson
Image credits: mirrortraffic
Image credits: frankspicer
Image credits: PCoryGonzales
Image credits: LouiseAtLaw
Image credits: lilyannatrnr
Image credits: LadyResourceful
Image credits: PaulSilburn
Image credits: UnkieGrumpy
Image credits: tazmin04099585
Image credits: MNorman87
Image credits: realoverheardla
Image credits: sznvibes
Image credits: THE_Luke_Bell
Image credits: kae_mah
Read more: boredpanda.com