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‘HAHAHAHA!!!’ Looks like big, bigoted bully Brian Sims has got some serious ‘splaining to do [pics]

Brian Sims’ non-apology yesterday failed to persuade many people that he’s anything other than a bigoted pro-abort bully, but hey, maybe this’ll do the trick: Actual ad published by @BrianSimsPA last year. pic.twitter.com/nEqF4z8rXF — Stephen Herreid (@StephenHerreid) May 8, 2019 No, seriously: Apparently he’s been at this for a while: You can’t make this stuff […]

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  • May 12, 2019
  • NEWS

OH DAMN, shots fired! Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway UNLOAD on David French for Trump/Russia ‘conspiracy mongering’

You know those heated debates and/or discussions you see happening and you think to yourself, ‘Nooooope, not getting involved in THAT one.’ This back and forth between David French, Mollie Hemingway, and Sean Davis is one of those debates … if you can call it a debate. Personally, this seems like a fairly brutal pantsing […]

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  • March 9, 2019
  • NEWS