Tag Archives for " blogging "

4 Types of Article Templates to Help You Write More Efficiently

Would you consider yourself a pantser or a planner? No matter what you write, there are those who approach their projects with a plan, and those who prefer flying the seat of their pants. Most writers are somewhere in between. They like knowing where they’re heading, and would rather not have another staredown with the […]

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  • January 8, 2022
  • NEWS

How to End a Story

Learning how to end a story effectively is even more important than learning how to start it.  Both the beginning and end of a work of fiction greatly impact a reader’s level of satisfaction. If the start of your story is weak or unengaging you run the risk of people putting down your book before […]

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  • December 31, 2021
  • NEWS

What is good writing?

Asking “What is good writing?” sounds a little like the start of an unsolvable riddle.  After all, one person’s definition of good writing would be the kind of prose that would repel another reader. Just look at the popularity of authors like Stephanie Meyer and Dan Brown. While a lot of readers and writers heavily […]

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  • December 30, 2021
  • NEWS

Need Writing Motivation? 33 Ideas to Get Your Groove Back

Are you running low on writing motivation? It happens to the best of us, so no judgment here! In fact, if you didn’t feel ebbs and flows in your desire to write, you wouldn’t be human. The important thing is to recognize your lack of motivation, refuse to dwell on it, and seek a solution […]

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  • December 29, 2021
  • NEWS

5 Types of Journaling Writing to Keep You Creative

While I’ve always had a journaling writing practice, it has changed over the years. I began with a mini diary with a lock where I would write who my best friends were, who I had a crush on and the names of my future children. Now, my journals are a hybrid of brainstorms, ideas and […]

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  • December 26, 2021
  • NEWS

Stephen King’s 23 Best Writing Tips

If you’ve read Stephen King’s On Writing, you know what a treasure trove of writing advice it is—from mindset, to daily routines, to the nuts and bolts of structure and word choice, he covers it all. If you need a boost of inspiration, look no further than this list of the 23 best Stephen King […]

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  • December 24, 2021
  • NEWS

95% Of Readers Don’t Give a Hoot If There’s No Source Provided for Statistics in A Blog Post

After all, if a stat says “it’s so”, then it MUST be so. Right?Photo by Mary Markevich via Freepik If you’ve read the stat in the headline and thought “Hang on a minute, I DO care about sources being provided! That stat sounds fishy” — you’re right (congratulations, your “that-sounds-fishy” radar is working beautifully!). But here’s the thing (and […]

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  • October 17, 2021
  • NEWS

An Exciting Announcement from The Write Life Team!

You might have noticed that The Write Life has been on a content break for the last couple months. In mid-June, The Write Life joined the Selfpublishing.com platform of sites and resources dedicated to writing, publishing, freelance, marketing, and more.  The vision for the Selfpublishing.com platform began back in 2015 when Chandler Bolt founded Self-Publishing […]

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  • August 19, 2021
  • NEWS
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