Tag Archives for " jobs "

‘Guys. She Quit After One Shift’: Person From An Office Job Tries Working In A Food Service Job, Gets A Reality Check

What do you think of when you think of working for minimum wage? Flipping burgers? Sweeping floors? Putting money in a cash register? Maybe if you haven’t had one of those jobs before. Otherwise, you’re probably thinking of carrying bags of garbage that weigh half as much as you do, sweating profusely, sticking your hands […]

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  • December 30, 2019
  • NEWS

The Beginners Guide to Successful Blogging

The Beginners Guide to Successful Blogging Did you know that once you have a few tips, starting your own blog is pretty easy and a great way to earn some side income, get seen as a writer or to even sell your own products?  Many people feel that starting a blog from scratch is a […]

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  • June 7, 2019