Tag Archives for " medium "

Want To Get Your First 100 Followers?

This Week In Writing, we look at how to get your first 100 followers and start building an audience of dedicated readers.Photo by davide ragusa on Unsplash One of the most frequent questions asked in our Fall Community Survey was, “how do I get my first 100 followers?” The number is significant because that is now […]

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  • December 18, 2021
  • NEWS

The 5 Best Free Blogging Platforms in 2019 (100% Unbiased)

So, you’d like to take blogging for a test drive, eh? See if you like it or not before ponying up the bucks for a complete self-hosted WordPress setup? You’ve probably heard you can start a blog for free, and indeed you can. The big question is: What’s the best free blogging platform right now? […]

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  • April 15, 2019

Why You Should Be Writing On Medium

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash Also known as the platform where you are most likely reading this right now. Just Write Unlike with other platforms, here on Medium, all you need to do is write. No messing with updates, no worrying about security, no more worrying about website uptime or speed. Medium lets you focus 100% […]

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  • March 7, 2019
  • NEWS