Tag Archives for " publishing "

13 Ways to Convince a Literary Agent to Represent You

You’ve been trying to crack the code for getting a literary agent’s attention, whether in a query or a face-to-face meeting, right? You’ve been searching high and low for the secret to making an agent sit up and say “Wow!” Well, since I’m in a good mood, I’m going to risk ostracism from my colleagues […]

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  • January 14, 2022
  • NEWS

95% Of Readers Don’t Give a Hoot If There’s No Source Provided for Statistics in A Blog Post

After all, if a stat says “it’s so”, then it MUST be so. Right?Photo by Mary Markevich via Freepik If you’ve read the stat in the headline and thought “Hang on a minute, I DO care about sources being provided! That stat sounds fishy” — you’re right (congratulations, your “that-sounds-fishy” radar is working beautifully!). But here’s the thing (and […]

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  • October 17, 2021
  • NEWS

Publishing is a Wedding, Writing a Marriage

Insights on the writing life after publication from novelist Anat DeracinePhoto by Jonathan Meyer on Unsplash When I published my first novel, Driving by Starlight, writers started asking me for tips on getting published. I was happy to share my own path, but I made it clear it was just my path, and what worked for me […]

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  • July 8, 2021
  • NEWS

Boo! These Are The 10 Monsters Your Book Editor Fears Most

As Halloween draws nigh, I’d like to introduce you to 10 monsters that haunt my nightmares. Now, these guys and ghouls don’t regularly visit me, but they are a source of fear from time to time. And what’s often most troublesome is that I can seldom tell if they’re going to turn into a monster […]

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  • October 28, 2020
  • NEWS