Tag Archives for " writing-life "

The 3 How’s On Writing Consistently

Eagerness to write continuouslyPhoto by Brad Neathery on Unsplash Currently, we are about to face new year, which means new topics that we writers are going to write about. Focusing on Christmas thoughts and New Year resolutions. Writing has been a part of me since it started as a hobby and changed to a habit overtime. […]

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  • December 27, 2021
  • NEWS

Publishing is a Wedding, Writing a Marriage

Insights on the writing life after publication from novelist Anat DeracinePhoto by Jonathan Meyer on Unsplash When I published my first novel, Driving by Starlight, writers started asking me for tips on getting published. I was happy to share my own path, but I made it clear it was just my path, and what worked for me […]

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  • July 8, 2021
  • NEWS

The Dangers of Aspiring to Write Like the Experts

Picture Source: Pixabay“If I make you to write like me, I would have killed your individuality.” –Emeka Nobis. One of the decisions I have made in 2019 is to live alone. Well, alone here could mean many things. I mean, I started living away from family since 2001 when I got into a boarding secondary school owned […]

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  • April 14, 2019

I don’t think this is how Hemingway started

Photo by energepic.com from Pexels It’s Saturday, so I am not working at my full-time job. My laptop is open on the only corner of my kitchen table that isn’t covered with junk from the week. My husband and son are cutting a hole in my kitchen floor — seriously. With a Sawz All, which is making my […]

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  • March 4, 2019
  • NEWS