Tag Archives for " money "

How Do You Make Money Online?

📝 This Week’s Goal: Create a submission for our September promptPhoto by Jason Leung on Unsplash; Edited by the author The first Monday of September is Labor Day here in the States. It’s a federal holiday to acknowledge all workers need an occasional break. Granted, many people don’t get a break on Labor Day, but that’s […]

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  • September 1, 2021
  • NEWS

Will Anyone Read Your Writing?

📝 This Week’s Goal: Explore all options when considering where and how to publish your writing.Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash; Edited by the author World Book Day was last Friday. Created by the United Nations, the annual celebration of books falls on April 23. It’s an ode to writers, books, and international copyrights. Yeah. It’s a […]

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  • April 28, 2021
  • NEWS

Level-Up Your Freelance Writing

📝 This Week’s Goal: Learn from others to make more money as a freelance writer. Writing is a lot like following a recipe; there’s a lot of room for interpretation (unless you’re baking — follow that recipe to the letter!). Great cooks use a recipe for inspiration and add their own spin, making the dish distinctly their own. […]

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  • February 4, 2021
  • NEWS

How to make a million dollars (with advice from actual millionaires)

We spoke with two millionaires who were able to earn their money through a powerful combination of two things: Investing and saving Earning more money through side hustles And we’ll show you exactly how to do both. But first, Introducing: The real millionaires we talked to Our millionaires are… Luisa Zhou Luisa had a great […]

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  • May 28, 2019